Guidelines for authors
Studies on the History of Romanian Philosophy does not charge authors for processing, reviewing and publishing their papers.
Basic requirements
Submission implies that the manuscript:
- represents the original work of the author;
- has not been already published;
- is not currently taken into consideration by another publication.
In case the manuscript contains chapters, tables or any other kind of material that was previously published by the author, the fact should be mentioned and properly referenced.
Formatting requirements
The manuscript must be presented as a .doc or .docx Microsoft Word file. A PDF copy is also required if the manuscript contains graphic material.
The text must be structured as following:
- Article’s title;
- Author’s name;
- Author’s affiliation(s). If the author is a postgraduate student, this will be specified;
- Article’s title in English;
- Abstract in English (up to 200 words);
- Keywords in English;
- Manuscript body (introduction, discussion, conclusions);
- References.
The submitted manuscript must follow the publication’s citation style.
First-time submission
First-time submitters are asked to include in the message a very short description of their academic activity and a list of maximum 5 relevant titles.
The evaluation process
After a preliminary assessment conducted by editors, the submitted manuscript is reviewed by a scientific editor and an external specialist in the field. See Evaluation process.
Good academic practice
Prior to submission, the author must ensure that the manuscript complies with the provisions of the Law no. 206 / 2004 on Good academic practice.
Studies on the History of Romanian Philosophy follows:
OA license by
Studies on the History of Romanian Philosophy is an open access publication with a by license. The articles can be freely red, downloaded and used in accordance with the Law, on the condition that the author is credited and a link to the article’s page is provided. By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees to these terms.

Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright policy
Authors retain the rights to their work after publishing in Studies on the History of Romanian Philosophy and can reuse the final version of the paper without requesting permission, provided that the following notice is added: … (Article’s title) was originally published in Studies on the History of Romanian Philosophy, Volume, Year, pp. / page link.
How to submit
The manuscript edited according to the formatting requirements must be sent before deadline to the following address:
Submission implies that the paper meets our basic requirements, and the author understands and complies with the specified policies.
Privacy policy
Personal data provided by authors are used exclusively for the purpose of the editorial activity and are not made available to third parties.